Counseling to find Answers to What Life Throws at You
Hello! My name is Brittany Case. Are you tired of making the same mistakes over and over again? Are you feeling like you can't change, your family is stuck, your career is not getting you where you dreamed of being, want help with your diet, image, or eating disorder? Don't give up! I believe that people can change, and love being part of that process; helping people realize their potential.
My patients, in Heber and Park City, give me their trust and readiness to try new things. I give my patients my discretion, my devotion, my professional and personal experience, and my vision for a brighter future. I use a holistic approach incorporating mind, body, and spiritual connections.
My private practice provides an atmosphere where you will feel peaceful, safe, and at home to explore difficult challenges, as well as exciting new pathways on your journey.